What is your client base?
We provide quality services to photographers and agencies who expect hands on attention to detail. Our studio has an extensive knowledge of print and web distribution.
What kinds of images are accepted?
We specialize in portraits, but we are open to product shots, scenics, or other compositing work. Simply send us an email or give us a call (203-551-9684) to see if your project would be a good fit.
What is the ordering process?
You can use our Hire Now Page to upload your images and make a payment. Alternatively, you may contact us directly for a personalized review and quote. If you have a larger job, then you should contact us directly for competitive pricing.
What is "Hire Now"?
"Hire Now" is a simple way that you can use our retouching services for your photography.
All you need to do is fill out the form with your contact information. Select your payment method, and upload the images you want us to work on. Based on the deadline schedule and level of detail you selected, your images will be available completely retouched. This is recommended for quick work, where you do not need extensive art direction. If you would like to be more involved, please give us a call, for something more personalized.
What types of files do you accept?
For best results, RAW files should be supplied. If you give us JPGs we will do our best with what we have, but you are starting from a place of image loss and lower quality. TIFs are a happy medium.
What is the approval process?
After the images have been retouched, you will be sent a JPG for approval. You are allowed a single round of changes, based on the original request, free of charge, to ensure that it meets your need. Additional rounds of changes will be handled on a case by case basis.
How long will it take to retouch the image?
We target 1-2 day turnaround. If you need it faster, let us know, and we can arrange something.
What is the Privacy Policy?
Your work is kept in strict confidence. Any backups we may have, would be kept offline. If you require us to sign a non-disclosure agreement, we are fine with that.
What can I expect back?
When we have completed the work, you will receive the following in a digital delivery:
- High Resolution TIFF for Printing
- High Resolution JPEG for Compositing
- Low Resolution JPEG for web use
Before Submission
- What file formats are expected to be provided? Raw, Tif or Jpeg?
- Referenced job number so that documentation and disk labeling are accurate.
- How will proof images be returned? Email, FTP, or disk/fedex.
- How will final images be returned? FTP, or disk/fedex.
- What color space will the final images be returned? RGB or CMYK?
- What line screen will this be printed at? 100, 133, 150?
- What kind of paper will this be printed on? Glossy, matte?
Items to Include
- Printout or PDF of the layout – As parts of an image may not be used, or details not needed.
- List of changes or specific modifications – This way nothing gets missed.
- Notate any specific sizes you need, if not at the same size supplied.
- Printer Color Profile for Photoshop CMYK Conversion – This allows for best color match to printers presses. Even if we are returning RGB images, this will help for better accuracy later.
- Previously printed sample from the same printer and on the same paper stock if possible.
General Notes
- Resizing many items, at all different sizes, creates room for error. Because of this, it takes much more time in rechecking to reassure that all images are properly sized. It is recommended to leave all images at maximum size and resolution. The images should be scaled to different sizes in the design program.
- If there are more than 2 people that are focused on in a scene (group shot) this generally adds time to the retouching past the base line estimate. A cause for the slowdown is eyes, teeth, flesh tone, and similar items that require several masks be created. Add extra time of retouching, for each additional person.
- Alternatively, there can also many people in a shot, when a high level of detail is either not needed, or not practical. These can generally go faster, when changes are more global.
- High contrast shots with super whites and super darks may require light, middle, and/or dark output from the RAW file. These may be needed to composite a more balanced image within Photoshop. This can add 10-20 minutes for extra masking, blending, and color balance.
- Retouching areas that have obvious gradients are the hardest to clone or duplicate. Subtle shifts in color seen on press, may not be seen on a monitor.